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Sample letter of authorization to handle the equipment on behalf of company

The In-charge,
M/s Associated Company,
#11, Durham,
Square Street
DH7 AS44
Date: 04
th March 2012
Subject: Authorization to handle the equipment on behalf of our company
Dear Sir,
We the undersigned hereby authorize M/s Dare Machines to act on behalf of our company with regard to the equipment purchase transaction that we currently have with you. The aforesaid company has all the authority to 
sign documents related to the transaction on our behalf. Any decision or action taken by this company shall amount to the same as the powers held by us and shall have the same affect as that of our own.sS
You can continue to transact with this company on all official matters until any express notice to stop the same from our company. The authorization holds good till any such official written withdrawal from our company.

Signature of Authorized Signatory
Sales Department
XYZ Company Ltd

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