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Authorization letter to school for releasing information of Student

The Correspondent,
Theora School of Fine Arts,
#10, Castle ford,
West Yorkshire,
th February 2012

Subject: Authorization letter to release personal information of Student to University Officials
Dear Sir/Madam,

My son Master. Roderick who is studying in your school of fine arts bearing admission number 121212 is applying to University of England for his higher studies. The University officials have requested to get the official information of my ward from your school. The information thus obtained will be used to finalize the eligibility list of the candidates chosen for the program.
I hereby authorize you to kindly provide all the official details of my son which includes student name, addresses, e-mail address, and grades when the University officials contact you for the same. I also request you not to provide these personal details of my son to any person other than the authorized officials from the University.

Thanking You.
Yours Sincerely,
Heather Sample

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