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Scholarship Appeal Letter Sample

Summary: A scholarship appeal letter has to specify that you are really interested to pursue the study in accurate words. Make sure to choose the exact words needed. The letter should accompany all the necessary documents, which are required to receive the grant. The below letter will give you a clear idea of writing such a letter.
Mr. Marshal Sandy
Good Shepard School of Architecture
5th cross,
Apple grove,
Subject: Scholarship Appeal
Dear Mr. Sandy,
I am a designer by career and have helped a lot of designers in London to design dresses. I would like to specialize on the subject and learn more to become a famous designer but I do not posses a good financial background to do so.
Recently my friend told me about your scholarship program, which interested me a lot. I would like to attain a scholarship from your esteemed university to pursue my designer degree with the help of the grant.
Herewith, I have enclosed my essay, prerequisite degrees and other work linked credentials. Being connected with your university has forever been a vision and I trust it will come true.
Please let me know, if any other procedure is requisite from my end.
Thanking you in advance
Kelly Mac

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