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Sister marriage leave letter format

Name and address of person applying for leave
Name, designation and address of person to whom letter is addressed
Subject: Leave Application
Dear Sir or Madam
The wedding of my sister has been fixed for __________ (date). Since I have to go to my hometown _____________ (name of town) to attend the wedding I am requesting for leave of 10 days from ________ (start date) to _____________ (end date),
I would request you to please sanction the leave at the earliest because I also need to book my train tickets well in advance.
These leaves may be deducted from my ______________ (Casual/Sick/Earned) leaves.
I have completed all projects that had to be submitted and there is nothing pending or due till I return.
I will be sending the wedding invitation to all of you just before I leave. My family and I would be delighted if all of you attend the wedding and bless the newly wedded couple.
Thanking you in anticipation
Best regards,
(Name of the applicant)

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