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Business introduction letter to client

Summary: A good introduction letter is just as good as a personal introduction. It depends on how you have written it for it to sound personal as well as professional. If you are about to write an introduction letter to a client, here is a sample that we have made for this purpose.
Peter Coffin,
CEO, Coffin Ltd.,
Dear Mr Coffin,
First of all, I would like to introduce myself, I am Anthony Bark and I am currently the General manger of Diamond Furniture in Ottawa.
Our company’s specialization is top of the line furniture and we offer various lines of products at very low prices. To mention some of our customers, we have Ottawa Homes, Star Power and the newest one is a mall that has just started.
I am writing you this letter in order to give you some information concerning our business aim of building relationship with other firms to establish a network. Enlosed herewith is a run down of the services that we offer and some of our achievements in the industry for your reference.
I am very hopeful for your positive response and if you have some concerns, please directly channel it to my by calling me at my personal line stated below.
Respectfully Yours,
Peter Coffin
Date: July 5, 2009
Phone: 977890965

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